Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
‘Settle your quarrels’: Update on End to Hostilities, prisoners’ demands, hunger strike
‘Settle your quarrels’: Update on End to Hostilities, prisoners’ demands, hunger strike ~~ The documents the Short Corridor Collective have been putting out since our March 2012 rejection of CDCR’s STG-SDP (Security Threat Group, Step Down Program) 5.5 Program and will continue to put out are in the following order:
2. The Agreement to End Hostilities between all races and groups
3. Our Rejection/Response to CDCR’s STG-SDP 7.0
4. Our Demands/Notice giving CDCR a “deadline” to meet all of the demands, or else we are going to resume our peaceful hunger strike (HS) and work stoppage (WS) starting on July 8, 2013.
It’s vital that the End to Hostilities holds for all races and groups.
Note that we only agreed to “temporarily” suspend the July and October 2011 hunger strike after CDCR agreed to change a lot of SHU policies and practices in a positive manner. Since then, CDCR has failed to honor their end of our prior agreements. Instead, they gave us STG-SDP 7.0 that will only put a lot more in SHU.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Has our justice system become a joke? 11/08 by THE GORDON | Blog Talk Radio
Has our justice system become a joke? 11/08 by THE GORDON | Blog Talk Radio ~~ Attorney's are being disbarred for helping people fight foreclosure's it appears...Be careful and pray..Attorneys are afraid to do their jobs today.
Has our justice system become a joke? 11/08 by THE GORDON | Blog Talk Radio
Has our justice system become a joke? 11/08 by THE GORDON | Blog Talk Radio ~~ Attorney's are being disbarred for helping people fight foreclosure's it appears...Be careful and pray..Attorneys are afraid to do their jobs today.
Petition | President Obama,Vice President Biden,Senators Leahy,Reid,Casey,Boxer,Levin: The President must appoint a FIST Prosecutor for Pennsylvania, immediately. |
Petition | President Obama,Vice President Biden,Senators Leahy,Reid,Casey,Boxer,Levin: The President must appoint a FIST Prosecutor for Pennsylvania, immediately. | ~~That's why we need a FIST Prosecutor, so that the President can work around this corruption.
1) <>.
2) <>.
(There is a Facebook group dedicated to this proposition!<>.)
1) <>.
2) <>.
(There is a Facebook group dedicated to this proposition!<>.)
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Childrens Rights Florida via The Trauma Resolution Center ~ "I know that Legal Abuse is a real thing. I've developed full PTSD from a custody battle long ago and I've seen my son go through this as well as far too many clients. I've seen that the rape and domestic violence suffered become secondary to the incredible abuse and betrayal suffered in the legal system. I don't know that it is it's own diagnosis. But awareness must be brought to the fact that the person with the most money tends to win in court and in many cases, there tends to be a bias toward the mother. That being said, the worst cases are those where the perpetrator has the money. The legal system is a battle ground and it honors and supports the one who seems to have the power to win, irregardless of gender. And for purposes of balance, everyone also needs to understand that women can be perpetrators, too. There is no objective definition of the 'best interests of the child' and it is mostly determined by the fixed ideas and past of the persons making the decisions. Truly unbiased and caring judges are awesome but they tend to be few and far between. And don't get me started on the 'experts' for hire."
Childrens Rights Florida via The Trauma Resolution Center ~ "I know that Legal Abuse is a real thing. I've developed full PTSD from a custody battle long ago and I've seen my son go through this as well as far too many clients. I've seen that the rape and domestic violence suffered become secondary to the incredible abuse and betrayal suffered in the legal system. I don't know that it is it's own diagnosis. But awareness must be brought to the fact that the person with the most money tends to win in court and in many cases, there tends to be a bias toward the mother. That being said, the worst cases are those where the perpetrator has the money. The legal system is a battle ground and it honors and supports the one who seems to have the power to win, irregardless of gender. And for purposes of balance, everyone also needs to understand that women can be perpetrators, too. There is no objective definition of the 'best interests of the child' and it is mostly determined by the fixed ideas and past of the persons making the decisions. Truly unbiased and caring judges are awesome but they tend to be few and far between. And don't get me started on the 'experts' for hire."
Childrens Rights Florida via The Trauma Resolution Center ~ "I know that Legal Abuse is a real thing. I've developed full PTSD from a custody battle long ago and I've seen my son go through this as well as far too many clients. I've seen that the rape and domestic violence suffered become secondary to the incredible abuse and betrayal suffered in the legal system. I don't know that it is it's own diagnosis. But awareness must be brought to the fact that the person with the most money tends to win in court and in many cases, there tends to be a bias toward the mother. That being said, the worst cases are those where the perpetrator has the money. The legal system is a battle ground and it honors and supports the one who seems to have the power to win, irregardless of gender. And for purposes of balance, everyone also needs to understand that women can be perpetrators, too. There is no objective definition of the 'best interests of the child' and it is mostly determined by the fixed ideas and past of the persons making the decisions. Truly unbiased and caring judges are awesome but they tend to be few and far between. And don't get me started on the 'experts' for hire."
Childrens Rights Florida via The Trauma Resolution Center ~ "I know that Legal Abuse is a real thing. I've developed full PTSD from a custody battle long ago and I've seen my son go through this as well as far too many clients. I've seen that the rape and domestic violence suffered become secondary to the incredible abuse and betrayal suffered in the legal system. I don't know that it is it's own diagnosis. But awareness must be brought to the fact that the person with the most money tends to win in court and in many cases, there tends to be a bias toward the mother. That being said, the worst cases are those where the perpetrator has the money. The legal system is a battle ground and it honors and supports the one who seems to have the power to win, irregardless of gender. And for purposes of balance, everyone also needs to understand that women can be perpetrators, too. There is no objective definition of the 'best interests of the child' and it is mostly determined by the fixed ideas and past of the persons making the decisions. Truly unbiased and caring judges are awesome but they tend to be few and far between. And don't get me started on the 'experts' for hire."
Saturday, November 24, 2012
tubman4us's Community Call - Live & Recorded Episodes:
tubman4us's Community Call - Live & Recorded Episodes: ~~ Great Information~~~~Wake up call !
Friday, November 23, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Petition | Justice for Christy Clinton Phillips CDC# W-94100 |
Petition | Justice for Christy Clinton Phillips CDC# W-94100 | ~~ Barely 15 years old Christy was taken by Rialto Police, held overnight against her will denied her constitutional right to remain silent and to have a parent present during her interrogation. The Rialto Police officers used intimidation and isolation as part of there tactic to manipulate and pressure Christy into making a confession to a crime she originally reported. Due to Christy's youth, mental disabilities the lack of experience with the criminal justice system, Christy was an easy victim of police manipulation. Christy's trial judge Gus Skorpos admitted Rialto Police Department violated Christy's rights under Welfare and Institution Codes 637(a). The Rialto Police Department also violated Christy's rights under the fifth amendment right to remain silent. Christy's sentence of life in prison is a direct violation of international law under article 37(a) and (article 6) the right tolife,survival and development (article 3) and (article 25) (article 40(1) of CRC) UNITED NATIONS, convention on the rights of the child, Forty-Fourth Sessions, Geneva 15 January-2 February-2007. Christy did not receive adequate representation at her trial. During a motion to supress the illegally obtained confession expert testimony was given by a clinical and forensic pyschologist testified about false confessions for the defense, but was forbidden by Christy's public defender to explain the extent of Christy's mental illnesses and her history of abuse to the jury...the role they played in Christy's coerced confession to Rialto Police
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Leaked cable: John McCain pushed to arm Qaddafi - Gaddfi - YouTube
Leaked cable: John McCain pushed to arm Qaddafi - Gaddfi - YouTube ~~ The cable indicates that McCain was the dominant voice among the congressional delegation in a push for military hardware for Qadhafi.
"Sen. McCain assured Muatassim that the United States wanted to provide Libya with the equipment it needs for its ... security," according to the cable.
McCain struck a distinctly different tone this week, telling Fox's Greta van Susteren that "he [Muammar Qadhafi] has the blood of Americans on his hands as a result of Pan Am 103. He is a person who over time would — if he were able to succeed — would clearly train terrorists and export terrorism."
"Sen. McCain assured Muatassim that the United States wanted to provide Libya with the equipment it needs for its ... security," according to the cable.
McCain struck a distinctly different tone this week, telling Fox's Greta van Susteren that "he [Muammar Qadhafi] has the blood of Americans on his hands as a result of Pan Am 103. He is a person who over time would — if he were able to succeed — would clearly train terrorists and export terrorism."
FREE MATTHEW TURNER CASE BA360333 | ~~ Evangelist Wayne Turner
M.A.C.O.T.I. (Mothers Against Conviction of the Innocent)
The Attorney General has responded to our Appeals Brief calling to overturn the verdict against Matthew Turner . Please stand with us and Sign This Petition calling for the USDOJ to investigate the LAPD's Northeast Division's, pattern of "Systematically Securing Convictions Against Innocent People". ALL THE DETAILS ARE ON THE PETITION . CLICK ON LINK BELOW TO LEARN OF THE INJUSTICE THAT MATTHEW HAS SUFFERED.

The Attorney General has responded to our Appeals Brief calling to overturn the verdict against Matthew Turner . Please stand with us and Sign This Petition calling for the USDOJ to investigate the LAPD's Northeast Division's, pattern of "Systematically Securing Convictions Against Innocent People". ALL THE DETAILS ARE ON THE PETITION . CLICK ON LINK BELOW TO LEARN OF THE INJUSTICE THAT MATTHEW HAS SUFFERED. 1676940?recruiter_id=73271507&u tm_campaign=invite&utm_medium= wall&utm_source=fb
Roy Jones, Jr., Lennox Lewis, Oscar De La Hoya showing ‘Macho’ support via Twitter - Chicago Sun-Times
Roy Jones, Jr., Lennox Lewis, Oscar De La Hoya showing ‘Macho’ support via Twitter - Chicago Sun-Times````` Three of the biggest names in the boxing world heard the news of Hector “Macho” Camacho’s shooting and decided to show their support of the former three-time world champion. Here’s what they had to say
ALL military votes must be counted FIRST before any public votes are tallied |
ALL military votes must be counted FIRST before any public votes are tallied | ~~
PETITION: ALL military votes must be counted FIRST before any public votes are tallied
Petition | Should Justice have an expiration date? |
Petition | Should Justice have an expiration date? | ~~ A large number of people are serving long sentences in the US prisons who were convicted in blatently
unfair trials, yet who are barred from seeking the basic justice of a new, FAIR trial through
federal review, due to this extremely unjust "expiration date" This needs to change in the simple
interests of justice. Whether it takes a person one or twenty years to bring their legitimate
claims of violations of their constitutional rights to the federal courts, they should have at
least ONE opportunity to have their case reviewed, to ensure theirs was a fair trial. Simply
refusing to even consider the claims because they are "out of time" results in far too many
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
PressTV - US dispatches 3 warships to occupied Palestine to evacuate citizens
PressTV - US dispatches 3 warships to occupied Palestine to evacuate citizens ~~ On Monday, US President Barack Obama held a telephone conversation with Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to explore the possibility of reaching an agreement on a ceasefire.
Monday, November 19, 2012
My husband, my hero: The story of a prisoner labeled ‘worst of the worst’ | San Francisco Bay View
My husband, my hero: The story of a prisoner labeled ‘worst of the worst’ | San Francisco Bay View ~~ Then imagine you worked very hard in prison to appeal your wrongful conviction while completing programs to transfer out of the supermax prison to a regular level IV prison within the span of seven years and then were framed again by prison gang officers using a tattoo you got as a child, a symbol in a birthday card and other fabricated evidence to “validate” you as a “prison gang associate” and label you “worst of the worst” and placed in segregation in a Security Housing Unit, or SHU, for years on end. That is exactly what happened to my childhood best friend and husband, Robbie Riva.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Stop Parental Alienation in the USA! | Children's Rights |
Stop Parental Alienation in the USA! | Children's Rights | ```Please Sign & Share~~Thank You !!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Mentally Ill Man Dies, Injured and Alone, in a Tulsa Jail Cell
Mentally Ill Man Dies, Injured and Alone, in a Tulsa Jail Cell```` detention officers and medical personnel refused to treat him, claiming he was faking paralysis, he was left on the floor of the booking cell for 10 hours and soiled himself, the motion states.
He was then transferred by gurney to the jail’s medical unit, where he was dumped in a shower and left for two hours. He was then moved to a medical unit cell, where he was left naked on a steel bunk with only a blanket, the motion states.
Williams remained in the cell, naked, immobile and with only a blanket, for the next three days, according to the motion.
APNewsBreak: Idaho inmates claim gangs run prison - Yahoo! News
APNewsBreak: Idaho inmates claim gangs run prison - Yahoo! News`` prison officials are ceding control to gang leaders in an effort to save money on staffing.
Eight inmates at the Idaho Correctional Center are suing the Corrections Corporation of America, contending the company is working with a few powerful prison gangs to control the facility south of Boise.
The lawsuit, filed Friday in Boise's U.S. District Court, paints the prison as a place where correctional officers work in fear of angering inmate gang members and where housing supervisors ask permission from gang leaders before moving anyone new into an empty cell. The inmates also contend that CCA officials use gang violence and the threat of gang violence as an "inexpensive device to gain control over the inmate population," according to the lawsuit, and that housing gang members together allows the company to use fewer guards, reducing payroll costs.
APNewsBreak: Idaho inmates claim gangs run prison - Yahoo! News
APNewsBreak: Idaho inmates claim gangs run prison - Yahoo! News`` prison officials are ceding control to gang leaders in an effort to save money on staffing.
Eight inmates at the Idaho Correctional Center are suing the Corrections Corporation of America, contending the company is working with a few powerful prison gangs to control the facility south of Boise.
The lawsuit, filed Friday in Boise's U.S. District Court, paints the prison as a place where correctional officers work in fear of angering inmate gang members and where housing supervisors ask permission from gang leaders before moving anyone new into an empty cell. The inmates also contend that CCA officials use gang violence and the threat of gang violence as an "inexpensive device to gain control over the inmate population," according to the lawsuit, and that housing gang members together allows the company to use fewer guards, reducing payroll costs.
Secession petitions filed in 20 states | The Lookout - Yahoo! News
Secession petitions filed in 20 states | The Lookout - Yahoo! News~~We the People, a government website.
States with citizens filing include Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. Oddly, folks from Georgia have filed twice. Even stranger, several of the petitions come from states that went for President Barack Obama.
The petitions are short and to the point. For example, a petition from the Volunteer State reads: "Peacefully grant the State of Tennessee to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government." Of all the petitions, Texas has the most signatures so far, with more than 23,000.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Free Doris Holt
Free Doris Holt ~~ On Saturday, February 19, 2011, at 2:08pm, after a long struggle in the care and abuse of the State of SC DSS, Doris Holt finally succumbed. May she finally achieve the warmth and peace she so justly deserved, but was denied in captivity by SC DSS, where she was apparently subject to beating and abuse, as witnessed by photographs of bruises and stated by physicians who examined those photographs. At this time I am at a loss for words, as I was just before 3p when her son James Spencer called to inform me as I was driving to Daytona to see my aunt. My grief is too great, as I cannot imagine another human subjecting anyone so frail, fragile and helpless as Mrs. Holt to the indecency, humiliation, and physical torture that she appeared to have had placed upon her. Her son was told she died of starvation, starvation caused by dementia. I find this outside comprehension, and I find it an excuse for allowing her to die as a punishment to her son and her for not doing unethical and illegal acts a decade ago, ones that would have greatly filled the pockets of a few at the theft from many. As I gather my thoughts and composure, I will, in time, share more with you. In the meantime, her son is trying to get an impartial autopsy arranged by the Orangeburg coroner. So far, it appears he has been refused. Hopefully the coroner will relent and allow Mrs. Holt to be examined to clear the air about the true cause of death. Pray for her, and pray for all the others that may be in the custody of SC DSS suffering the same abuse. and pain, and humiliation.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Prescription deaths: Many overdose on drugs prescribed by a doctor -
Prescription deaths: Many overdose on drugs prescribed by a doctor -``Terry Smith collapsed face-down in a pool of his own vomit.
Lynn Blunt snored loudly as her lungs slowly filled with fluid.
Summer Ann Burdette was midway through a pear when she stopped breathing.
Larry Carmichael knocked over a lamp as he fell to the floor.
Jennifer Thurber was curled up in bed, pale and still, when her father found her.
Karl Finnila sat down on a curb to rest and never got up.
AcTah 2012 - Home Page -
AcTah 2012 - Home Page - ~~ Ac Tah reveals the circumstances surrounding the departure /disappearance of his Mayan ancestors and of their plan to return. He explains why the pyramids were built and how they function. How, by using the encoded Maya technology each one of us can activate their DNA and rise to a higher frequency, to that of an awakened being.
Ac Tah tells us that the Maya were a scientifically advanced and enlightened society. That they left behind not only highly accurate calendars but coded information that contained technology for this crucial time in the evolution of Earth and humanity.
You can join Ac Tah in his mission to implement this technology in Mexico and bring it to the USA. Far from the spotlight of the 2012 movement a tremendous work is in progress. Pictures and descriptions are posted on this site.
Ac Tah tells us that the Maya were a scientifically advanced and enlightened society. That they left behind not only highly accurate calendars but coded information that contained technology for this crucial time in the evolution of Earth and humanity.
You can join Ac Tah in his mission to implement this technology in Mexico and bring it to the USA. Far from the spotlight of the 2012 movement a tremendous work is in progress. Pictures and descriptions are posted on this site.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Native women want justice in North America! | Native Women Campaigning for Human Rights in North America |
Native women want justice in North America! | Native Women Campaigning for Human Rights in North America | ~~
To: Native Women North America Unite
Time for justice for the many murdered native women in North America.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
Genetically Modified Humans? New Gene-Altering Drug Paves Way for Mass Modification | MyScienceAcademy
Genetically Modified Humans? New Gene-Altering Drug Paves Way for Mass Modification | MyScienceAcademy ~~ Even leading scientists are now pushing for selective breeding based on genetic makeup, ‘handpicking’ genes of offspring, and even developing cloning technology to ‘grow’ human hybrids and other bizarre experiments.
While gene-altering drugs and GM babies may appeal to the general public, scientists and biotech companies heavily funded by the government have been working on achieving a much larger feat -genetically modified humans in the form of ‘super soldiers’. These GM humans go beyond even the imagination, not requiring food or sleep to perform Olympic-style physical feats, while being able to regrow limbs that were destroyed by enemy fire.
The fact is that humankind has been moving toward a genetically altered existence for some time now, unknown by the general public. While the mainstream media will have you believe that drugs to repair damaged genes is the answer, no one really knows the kind of dangers that could come with such advancements. We’ve already seen how genetically modified foods can cause tumors and even early death - why wait to see what happens when altering the human genetic code.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Friday, November 2, 2012
Angela Davis at APHA, Oct 31st, 2012~~****Angela Davis told thousands of public health professionals why they should join the movement for boycott, divestment, and sanctions. Making many connections between mass incarceration, immigration injustice, and Israeli Occupation, she called out companies like G4S and Veolia, which profit from prisons and walls in both the US and Palestine/Israel."We will not have enduring prospects for peace and justice in the world without a free Palestine". Watch + share Angela Davis' powerful words in support of justice for Palestinians and the We Divest campaign.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
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